New in 2021: RED Protection Tower
Single Machine with Multiple Protections
RED Protection Tower in Action | |

RED Speed Gun The Redoxter Sprayer
For hypochlorous acid solution Redoxter – Handy sprayer “RED Speed Gun”
With electric sprayer “RED Speed Gun” that was handy hypochlorous acid solution Redoxter dedicated spraying device in a small size for quick sterilization and deodorant. With the fast-acting Redoxter and Speed Gun, you can take quick hygiene measures.
Since it is a handy type, you can expect reliable sterilization and deodorization by aiming while freely changing the destination of spraying the Redoxter. It is widely used in various scenes by a wide range of industries as a means of efficiently preparing a sanitary environment.
New in 2021: Redoxter Humidifier
Block enemy contained in splash using hypochlorous acid solution
Hypochlorous Acid Aqueous Solution Promotion Council
- What is “The General Incorporated Association Hypochlorous Acid Aqueous Solution Promotion Council(JFK)”?
The General Incorporated Association Hypochlorous Acid Aqueous Solution Promotion Council is a volunteer organization whose purpose is to disseminate the hypochlorous acid aqueous solution, which is expected to prevent the spread of cobit-19 virus infection, and to educate people on how to use it correctly. In April 2020, the Hypochlorous Acid Aqueous Solution Promotion Council submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Prime Minister, and recommended that the hypochlorous acid aqueous solution be used as a countermeasure against cobit-19 virus.
- J F K News releases
From JFK News dated Sep 8, 2020
From JFK News dated Feb 24, 2021
In June 2020, Atsushi Ogawa, President and CEO of our company, was appointed as a director at the General Assembly of the Hypochlorous Acid Aqueous Solution Promotion Council (JFK).
- Greetings from Director Ogawa
“Sincerely, we are determined to do our best to popularize the hypochlorous acid aqueous solution, which is expected to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, and to raise awareness of its correct usage.”
Redoxter is a magic water?
- Latest News:
In 2018, the Japanese government based international organization J I C A (Japan International Cooperation Agency) officially announced to support R.E.D. Co., Ltd. to start the research about the usability of Redoxter in Vietnam.
- Who is “R.E.D. Co., Ltd.”?
A Japanese entrepreneur company R.E.D. Co., Ltd. pronounced as “Earl-E-Dee” Co., Ltd. (Kobe, Hyogo, JAPAN, President Ogawa, 078-915-8739) is the manufacturer of the patented machines called “Redoxter generator” which generates the weak acid disinfectant liquid named “Redoxter” instantly. Also, the company sells Redoxter liquid for retail consumers. The R.E.D. Co., Ltd. is now trying to market their U.S. & Japan patented “Redoxter generators” to various industries of the international markets.
Redoxter Generating Systems
The RED Redoxter Generating System is available for various needs and options for customers from small-scale systems up to huge size industrial facilities. For the full lines, please check them out here.
Small Facilities System
RED-600 |
Size:W350×D410×H400 Weight:11.5kgRedoxter:pH:5.0~6.8(variable setting type) Production amount:600L/hour(max) Operation and display: Tact switch LED safety device: salt concentration measuring device idle operation detecting device |
RED-1000 |
Size:W440×D387×H1055 Weight:40Kg:Redoxter:pH:5.0~6.8(variable setting type) Production amount:1000L/hour(max) Operation and display: Tact switch LED safety device: salt concentration measuring device idle operation detecting device |
- What is “Redoxter”?
The “Redoxter” is a liquid prepared by adjusting the aqueous solution of sodium hypochlorite to be weakly acidic and raising the content of hypochlorous acid that has the ability to eliminate various bacteria including Norovirus.
- Is “Redoxter” dangerous to human?
The “Redoxter” cares about human safety standard by making it into the weak acidity which is similar situation of the human skin. As a result, even dentists use it for the dental treatments in Japan. The adoption of the Redoxter disinfectant liquid is progressing widely and rapidly in Japan since 2016 such as in welfare facilities such as nursery schools, some large facilities purchased the Redoxter generator machine and small facilities prefer “Redoxter liquid” in the boxed types or in the spray containers.
- Why “Redoxter” is wanted in various countries?
In Asian & African countries, there are many industries necessary to raise the hygienic standards up to deal with international customers. “Redoxter” can improve the hygiene management at lower cost by proposing the amount and frequency of the Redoxter suitable for each industry. The company director Mr. Ogawa is very sure to accomplish his tasks.
For any party interested to Redoxter generators, please contact us by email
April 10, 2019