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Hypochlorous Acid
Hypochlorous Acid - S15 Competitive Phagocytosis Assay in Collagen ogg
Health Briefs TV Features
Health Briefs covers the most relevant information about what is new in the health and medical fields. It shares insights from leaders in their fields, shares interviews with viewers from the movers and shakers, and presents it all in a convenient format on most cable television networks.
Oxidation of a Primary Alcohol with HOCl
This video tutorial looks at the oxidation of primary alcohols resulting in the formation of an aldehyde. We are specifically looking at the results and mechanism for the reaction involving HOCl (hypochlorous acid).
次亜塩素酸水について (いわい歯科医院)
次亜塩素酸水について(いわい歯科医院) いわい歯科医院では、治療室、診察台の中から出てくる水の全てに「次亜塩素酸水」(殺菌力のあるお水)を使用しています。ほとんどの菌を10秒くらいで死滅できるのですが、人間が飲んでも全く害がなく、副作用もないとても安心・安全なお水です。
次亜塩素水 NNN
About Hypochlorous acid(次亜塩素酸)
A neutrophil can be seen here selectively taking up several Candida yeasts (fluorescently labeled in green) despite several contacts with Aspergillus fumigatus conidia (unlabeled, white/clear) in a 3-D collagen matrix. Imaging time was 2 h with an interval of 30 s after every frame